Stepping Stone's Ember Rose of Sprague CGC

Hips: OFA Fair
Elbows: OFA Normal
PennHip: .30/.25 (below breed average)
DM gene test - N/N (clear)
> Her Pedigree <
Ember is the newest addition to our breeding program! She is gorgeous liver fawn long coat who carries blue. A “fawn” is a variation of sable. She has a liver mask and the rest of of body is tan/red. She can produce traditional markings as well. Ember has beautiful old fashion straight back structure. Her grandfather was imported from the UK. Ember has the most sweetest temperament! She is always just so happy and has such a great zest for life. She loves going on hikes, playing in water and is very athletic. She is also down to just cuddle up and watch a movie with you and doesn’t always have to be on the go. She loves food & treats! She’s a fun dog to work with as she loves to please and is very attentive & focused. We are so excited to be adding Ember to our breeding program with her beautiful looks, good health and her great temperament & structure.
Ember has been tested through EMBARK Veterinary and is clear of 170+ genetic mutations! To see her results CLICK HERE