Sprague's Legacy of Rose

Hips: OFA prelim Good
Elbows: OFA prelim Normal
PennHip: .47/.50
DM gene test - N/A (not affected)
> Her Pedigree <
Ren is a stunning golden sable out of our very own Lily (dad is Zorro). If you are wondering about her name well we have had Ren's line for FIVE generations now, she goes back to our foundation girl Rose who is her great-great grandmother. We very tragically lost our sweet Ren due to c-section complications. Ren was an absolutely wonderful girl and we miss her sooooo much. We were able to keep back a puppy from her litter to continue on her legacy <3 Look for updates of her daughter Willow in the future.
Ren has been tested through EMBARK Veterinary for 170+ genetic mutations! To see her results CLICK HERE